UPDATE no. 2: Implementation Guide: SUM values if font is bold – Google Drive Spreadsheet
NEW: Screen recording of the solution at the end of this post. This is the second part of the guide...
web development, web design and programming
NEW: Screen recording of the solution at the end of this post. This is the second part of the guide...
I was facing issue, that I needed to install web server using 80 port on my Windows 10 workstation, but...
Get URL paths of your magento folder structure – Absolute URL Path Mage::getBaseUrl() => Gets base url path e.g. http://my.website.com/...
FATAL ERROR: Disconnected: No supported authentication methods available (server sent: publickey) If this is error, which You are getting form...
I was working on some calculations using Google Drive Spreadsheet. Than I found out, that I would need SUM values...
I was just solving issue, where I needed to keep an order of items returned from the MySQL database listen...
First of all, make sure, that you have correct settings in Your Facebook app setup. To check it, go to: https://developers.facebook.com/apps...
When You are working with facebook apps, you do need sometimes to add administrators or moderators to Your application. If...
Today I was solving generating of random data for testing and manipulation with the date of the birth. Here are...
I just got to project, which is hosted on server, where the developers has to connect via Cisco VPN to...